How to Get Ideas for Black History Month Celebration

Do you want to do something really special with your students or children for Black History Month but you have no idea where to start? There are so many Black History heroes you can pick from, so many fun lessons, games, or activities you can do. I feel you. Sometimes when there are too many options, it may feel like an impossible task to narrow down what you want to do. So, I'm so glad you're here because I can't wait to share with you FOUR ways you can get ideas for Black History Month.

Step 1: Create a Black History Skit Vision Board

Picture this: Let's say you want to go on a vacation to Florida. But you have no clue where you want to go or what you want to do when you get there. There's so many fun things you can do in Florida. How in world am I going to decide?

Planning a Black History Month celebration can feel like this sometimes. You know you want to do something special to celebrate Black History, but you don't know if you should choose a song, dance, poem, skit. And you can't decide what fun lessons and activities you want to plan for your children to do throughout Black History Month.

If you don't know where you're headed or your end destination; it makes it more challenging to plan out the steps along the way to get there. 

You'll need to NAIL DOWN THAT VISION. Creating a Black History Month Vision Board will help you to get started. 

Here are a few questions I want you to answer to help you create that vision board and make a final decision of what your ONE Main Thing is going to be for your Black History Month Celebration:

  1. Why are you so passionate about Black History?
  2. Why do you want to do something special for Black History Month?
  3. What do you want your children, school, or community to remember the most?
  4. How do you want to feel as you plan? How are you going to take care of yourself, mind, body, and health during this planning season?

Step 2: Decide on who will be your audience?

If you are a school teacher, will you only invite your students' families. Or will you open it up for other grade levels to come, staff, administrators, other school buildings, or the community?

If you are not working in a school setting, who would you like to invite to your Black History Celebration. Once you make this decision, you'll be able to answer these questions to help you get ideas for Black History Month:

  1. What do you think they would enjoy seeing?

  2. How do you want them to feel before, during, and after the performance?
  3. What do you want the audience to remember the most?

Step 3: Brainstorm Black History Heroes you might want to choose.

Will you choose famous Black History heroes or people you know your students or children are most familiar with? Or maybe you might decide to introduce a few Black History heroes who are often left out of the history books. 

Inside of my free video series called “How to Pull Off the Most Memorable Black History Skit Celebration”, I will teach you my Sticky Note Slap It Method. It helps you brainstorm a ton of ideas quickly and then you organize all of these ideas into specific categories to make planning so much easier. 

Step 4: Narrow down to ONE MAIN Thing and Think of Memorable Moments

For me, my ONE Main Thing was the Black History Skits. That is what I wanted my Black History Month celebration to be known for. 

So what you do want your celebration to be know for. What do you want your students or children to remember the most? 

These questions will really help you nail down your vision for the big day and help you choose your ONE Main Thing and other fun lessons and activities a.k.a “Memorable Moments”.

Share your ideas with us on Facebook. We can't wait to hear what you're planning for Black History Month and beyond.