6 Reasons Why You Should Identify Your Ideal Customer When Starting a Microschool or Homeschooling Business.

First, let me just say: hats off to you! Whether you're diving into the world of microschools, or creating your own homeschooling curriculum, what you're doing is both brave and transformative. It's not everyday that one decides to reshape the landscape of education, right? But, as we take this journey, there's an essential starting point we need to chat about: identifying who you want to serve. Let's dive into why this matters so much.

🎯 1. Custom made learning equals higher engagement and attention.

Have you ever tried on a “one-size-fits-all” garment? More often than not, they don't fit everyone perfectly. The same concept applies to teaching. By narrowing down and understanding your target student audience, you can tailor your curriculum to cater to their unique needs, interests, and learning styles. And, let's be honest, when lessons resonate, they're much more engaging.

🌱 2. Cultivate a Community

When you're clear about who you're serving, you can better build a community around shared values, experiences, and goals. This creates a space where students, parents, and educators feel a deeper sense of belonging. And in such a community, support and collaboration come naturally.

ideal customer avatar template

Knowing Your Ideal Customer Helps You To Connect with Relevant Resources

🌎 3. The Right Tools for the Right Folks

If you’ve know the families you're going to serve, you’ll know exactly which cool tools and resources will make their eyes light up. Whether it's field trips, guest speakers, or supplementary materials, knowing who you're serving ensures that you're always adding value.

4. Speak Their Language

If you’re looking to find your first founding families or grow because you've already launched your program, knowing your target audience or ideal customer avatar (ICA) is key.

This clarity makes all your marketing and networking efforts more effective. Now you're speaking your families' language and they are all ears!

ideal customer avatar worksheet

Knowing Who You Want To Serve Will Help You Stay Inspired and Motivated.

💡 5. Keep That Fire Burning Inside of You

Remember that spark that made you want to start a microschool or homeschooling business in the first place? Keeping a clear picture of who you’re serving can act as a constant reminder of your why. Every time you make a difference in one of your student's lives, it reignites that passion and keeps you motivated.

🔎 6. Real Talk Feedback

Let’s face it, feedback is the secret sauce. And when you know where it's coming from, you can spin it into gold. Tailoring, tweaking, and turning your program into the best version of itself? It’s a cinch when you know your audience or ideal customer avatar.

ideal customer avatar

Your Next Step: Discover Your Ideal Customer's Hot Buttons

The better you know your audience, the better experience you can create. You've got to get into the minds of your people. 

In other words, You and I, we've got to get to know the families we will be serving on a more intimate level. The question is, how do we go about doing that?

You will want to really dig into the types of problems your families and/or children face. Because if you can get real intimate with the problems and challenges they face; it will be a whole lot easier to attract those families into your microschool or homeschooling business.

Want even more free strategies and tips to start planning your microschool or homeschooling business?

Join our private All Things Are Possible Teacher Podcast: Microschool and Homeschooling Business Series. Whether you’re a teacher or homeschooling parent thinking about starting your own microschool or homeschooling business OR you’ve already launched your program and you’re looking for extra strategies to grow your dream school, this exclusive podcast is for you. 

Together, let’s re-imagine school, step out in faith, and give children an education they love and so deserve? Because families all over the world or in your community need you!

I want you to dream big, do what you love, wholeheartedly serve families and children, and live a life on your own terms.

In this Microschool and Homeschooling Business Podcast Series, I’m excited to share actionable strategies to help you start your dream school or program, one that is fulfilling, profitable and full of fun! Click here to join the private podcast.