microschool homeschooling business

Four Reasons Why You Should Consider Starting Your Own Microschool or Homeschooling Business

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, education is being transformed right in front of our eyes. Traditional schooling methods, while beneficial to many, don’t always cater to the individual needs of each child. Which is why many educators and parents are seeking alternatives.

Alright, let’s chat for a sec. We all know the classic classroom setup, right? Rows of desks, bells ringing, and trying to give attention to every kiddo in a class of 30 or more. But what if we shake things up a bit?

Here’s FOUR reasons why starting your very own microschool or homeschooling business might just be the best thing since sliced bread.

what is a microschool

You Create Your Very Own Classroom Squad:

Picture this: a handful of learners who are super tight-knit, helping each other out, and building friendships that’ll last a lifetime. Plus, you get to be right there in the mix, knowing each learner personally and collaborating closely with parents. Talk about #ClassroomGoals.

It's All About That Personal Touch:

Ever felt like you’re trying to fit square pegs into round holes in a big classroom setting? With smaller groups or one-on-one setups, you can tailor your instruction based on each student’s unique way of learning. Dive deep into their favorite topics or take it slow where they need some extra help. It’s all about them!

what are microschools

You Pick What Rocks Your Educational Boat:

One of the coolest things? You get to pick what you teach. Want to sprinkle in some Montessori magic? Go for it! Fancy a deep dive into current events or teaching kids how to balance a checkbook? You’re the boss. It’s about giving our kids a well-rounded view of the world and some serious life skills.

Make Money While Doing What You Love:

Besides the whole making-a-difference thing (which is HUGE), there’s also the potential to turn this passion project into a profitable business. Plus, who doesn’t love being their own boss? Set your hours, pick your curriculum, and create a learning environment that feels right for you and your learners. 

Sure, starting your own teacher business has its ups and downs, but the perks? Oh boy, they’re off the charts. If you’re passionate about making a positive impact on children’s lives and are ready for entrepreneurial adventure, why not give microschooling or homeschooling a whirl? 🍎✨

Want even more free strategies and tips to start planning your microschool or homeschooling business?

Join our private All Things Are Possible Teacher Podcast: Microschool and Homeschooling Business Series. Whether you’re a teacher or homeschooling parent thinking about starting your own microschool or homeschooling business OR you’ve already launched your program and you’re looking for extra strategies to grow your dream school, this exclusive podcast is for you. 

Together, let’s re-imagine school, step out in faith, and give children an education they love and so deserve? Because families all over the world or in your community need you!

I want you to dream big, do what you love, wholeheartedly serve families and children, and live a life on your own terms.

In this Microschool and Homeschooling Business Podcast Series, I’m excited to share actionable strategies to help you start your dream school or program, one that is fulfilling, profitable and full of fun! Click here to join the private podcast.