Reading and Writing Workshop Training + Conferring

for K-8th Grade Literacy Teachers & Coaches

The 6-Step Proven Path to Grow Your Students Fast!

Are you ready to launch and run a successful
reading and writing workshop or conferring classroom?

This is your chance to finally...

Hey, I'm Desirée!

So glad you're here! I can't wait to be your guide and biggest cheerleader as you embark on this journey to launch and run the workshop or conferring classroom of your dreams

Who am I?

I'm an early childhood & elementary teacher, K-8 literacy coach, TpT teacher author, business owner, Mama to one adorable little 4-year-old boy, wife to my bestie, and I just love sipping hot chocolate watching my favorite shows: I Love Lucy, HGTV, and the Magnolia Network!

It's my passion to help K-8th grade literacy teachers and coaches create the workshop and conferring classrooms they've always wanted. And… use the best conferring methods and classroom management strategies to grow their readers and writers faster than ever before!

And now...
It's your turn!

In the Reading and Writing Workshop + Conferring
6-PART Video Series you'll learn:

VIDEO 1: The FOUR Main Parts of Workshop:
VIDEO 2: TOP 7 Conferring Methods to Reach Every Student
VIDEO 3: Fabulous Teacher Feedback that Sticks
VIDEO 4: Where's that Student Evidence?
VIDEO 5: Manage Your Workshop Classroom Like an All-Star
launch reading and writing workshop
VIDEO 6: Successfully Launch the Reading and Writing Workshop or Conferring Classroom

You've got what it takes and more to launch and run the
workshop or conferring classroom you've always wanted.

All you need is a proven path and a guide who's got your back!
Grab the Free Video Series Below and Let's Do This TOGETHER!

Reading & Writing Workshop + Conferring Free Video Series