How to Create Work Blocks to Build Your Microschool or Homeschooling Business


Introducing the hottest new podcast about conferring, peer learning, black history, and incorporating historical leaders from all ethnicities into your curriculum.

I’m so excited you’re here with me today because we’re diving into the second episode of our time management series for your Microschool or Homeschooling Business.


Today’s topic is one that’s SO essential for your success: setting boundaries to create dedicated work blocks. Think of it as setting up little pockets of magic in your day where you can go from feeling scattered to completely focused, making big moves in your business without the constant pull of distractions.


We’re going to talk about time blocking, using tools to stay focused, and – maybe the toughest part – how to communicate your boundaries with the people around you. When you’ve got teaching, personal life, and business all rolled into one, it’s easy for those lines to get blurry.


But when you put these strategies in place, you’ll find yourself with dedicated work time that really moves the needle in your business. So, get comfortable, grab a coffee, and let’s chat about creating those boundaries that make life – and business – work so much better!

Are you ready? Let's get started.

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!