what is reading workshop

What is Reading Workshop: The FOUR Main Parts

Do you what I love the most about reading workshop? It allows you to reach EVERY student where they’re at and give each of them the exact strategies they need to reach their goals faster. Think of reading workshop as your vehicle to get your students from point A to point B. If you have students who are all at different levels; you can use reading workshop to differentiate your instruction for each individual student. And if you have students significantly below grade level, reading workshop can take your students from behind to making huge growth in no time.

So how do you get started in using reading workshop?

Well…first you have to know the four main parts of reading workshop. Inside my *free* “Reading & Writing Workshop + Conferring Video Series; you will learn the 6-Step proven path to grow your students fast. Get ready to walk away with:

  • The FOUR Main Parts of Workshop
  • TOP 7 Conferring Methods to Reach Every Student
  • 6 Ways to Give Strategy Focused Feedback
  • 6 Types of Student Evidence
  • How to Manage Your Workshop or Conferring Classroom

reading and writing workshop training
what is reading workshop

Part 1 of Reading Workshop:
Mini Lessons

The teacher offers a new strategy that will help students meet the learning target or the big goal of the lesson. They give very specific steps and demonstrate how to do strategy with a mentor text. Then, they give students time to practice the strategy in the lesson before sending them off to independent work time

reading workshop

Part 2 of Reading Workshop:
Independent Work

When you give your students a large chunk of time to practice reading and writing strategies independently.

reading and writing workshop

Part 3 of Reading Workshop:
Conferring with Students

Conferring is when you work with students 1-on-1 or in a small group and tailor your instruction to their strengths and needs. It helps you build strong positive teacher-student relationships. You can guide and support students if they get stuck; but also allows you to celebrate their successes along the way.

reading and writers workshop

Part 4 of Reading Workshop:

The share is a small amount of time for students to share and celebrate the amazing work and strategies they worked on to grow as a reader. Inside of the free video series, I give you 3 different ways you can share at the end of reading workshop.

Now that you have the four main parts of reading workshop, it's time to launch and run the workshop model successfully in your classroom. But how do I get started?

Well…the Launch Reading and Writing Workshop Bundle is a great place to start. This teacher resource will help you launch routines and expectations for reading and writing workshop at the beginning of the school year. 

But not only will it help you launch the workshop model; it will also support your students in setting reading and writing goals. You’ll also have the most important reading and writing workshop anchor charts to remind your students of how workshop always goes.

Grab your Launch Reading and Writing Workshop Bundle right here.

Ohh…and don’t forget about these:

 1. Watch the 6-Part *free* video series.

2. Catch the next Facebook Live Series on my Facebook business page.

3. Swipe even more strategies and tips on Instagram.

4. Hop into the Literacy Teacher Greatness Facebook Community.

5. Jump on the waitlist for the Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Programs because sometimes we let educators in EARLY and I don’t want you to miss it!

You can do this, teacher friend! I can't wait to be your guide and biggest cheerleader as you embark on this journey to launch and run a successful reading workshop.

Let's dream big and grow together!