Welcome! We are so glad you are interested in using a purchase order for our Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Summer Program. All of the important details are below. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Desiree McGee-Greene at


STEP 1: Complete a School Purchase Order Request Form BELOW.

STEP 2: We will send your school a quote for all educators who want to enroll in our summer program.

STEP 3: Your school sends us a purchase order form.

STEP 4: We will process the PO and send an invoice with a PO# attached to your school.

STEP 5: The teacher(s) will receive access to the summer program after we email the invoice. (Even if we have not received payment yet.)

STEP 6: The school sends us payment via credit card or check in the mail.

STEP 7: We will email the school and the teacher(s) to confirm we have received payment.