Reading Comprehension Strategies Kindergarten Cards (Levels C-D)




The Text Bands C-D Reading Comprehension Strategy Cards will reinforce the reading strategies you have taught and help our students practice reading fluency, decoding, and comprehension strategies independently. This resource is PERFECT for anyone who uses the Text Band strategies for mini lessons, 1 on 1 conferences with students, or reading small groups. Each reading strategies card matches the strategies you teach in the Text Bands.

The reading comprehension strategy cards have kid-friendly language that includes words, phrases, or full sentences that match the skill or strategy for fluency, decoding or reading comprehension. It also includes a full color picture to match the words and help students independently practice the strategy.


Text Band C-D ONLY: 16 strategy cards

Product Description:

– The cards are currently 8.5 x 11 in the PDF document.

– Each card comes in full color.

– We suggest you print them on cardstock and laminate them for longer use.

– You can shrink them down on the copier to give to students. Or you can blow them up super big and use as an anchor chart or poster around the room. Or you can leave them the size they are. The choice is yours.

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