Classroom Library Checkout System: Book Shop ‘Til You Drop



Book Shop ‘Til You Drop Resource Bundle is a classroom library checkout system that will help Kindergarten-8th Grade students choose just right books. Of course we want our students to find books that really, really matter to them. Then, read these books as if they were pure gold. Here is a video preview of this resource:

THREE Reading Strategies

“Smart Readers recognize the kinds of books that are at their personal level.”

“Smart Readers choose what their relationship toward books will be.”

“Smart Readers develop systems for finding books they love.”

THREE Lesson Plans

You'll be prepared for each lesson and know exactly how to teach it without lifting a finger.


TWO Anchor Charts

Just Right vs. Too Hard Anchor Chart: As the teacher models what a just right book and a too hard book sounds like; the class will watch for signs. The teacher will jot those signs on the anchor chart.

(A few possible “too hard” scenarios: don't understand, have to read slowly, can't read with expression, keep getting stuck.)

(A few possible “just right” scenarios: understand, get most of the words right, read fast and smooth, read with expression easily, read noticing punctuation.)

TWO Book Shopping Schedule Posters

1- elementary version

1- middle school version

PowerPoint Slides

TWO Teacher Tools

1- Systems for Finding Just Right Books Sheet

1- Teacher Book Shopping Feedback Prompts Sheet

TWO Graphic Organizers for Students' Reading Notebooks

1- System Ideas for Finding Just Right Books (there's a place for a Post-It note on the left. AND 2 lines on the right for students to write more about their idea.)

2-System Ideas for Finding Just Right Books (there's a place for a Post-It note on the left. AND 5 lines on the right for students to write more about their idea.)

THREE Strategy Cards

Enjoy Reading Cards

Reading Identity Cards

Just Right Book Cards

Star Rating Templates for Classroom Books

3 star rating template

4-star rating template

5-star rating template

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