Partnerships and Peer Conferences- The Perfect Solution to Find More Time for Conferring


Is it difficult to find enough time to meet with all of your learners in conferences and small group instruction?

Let's talk about two student-led activities you should consider using in your literacy classroom or homeschool. Now these two peer learning activities many teachers or parents often get confused. The activities I am referring to are partnerships and peer conferences. Don’t get me wrong, they are similar. But there are some unique differences. So, in today’s show I’m going to break it all down for you. I will share what partnerships and peer conferences are. The benefits or the why you should use them. And I’m going to share which one I recommend you start with if you are newer to peer learning or conferring with students. 

Partnerships and Peer Conferences are a game changer
for any learner driven community.

To help YOU feel more confident to become the best “coach” for your children and create a powerful “Learner Driven Community” that incorporates ALL histories as a vehicle for learners to dream big.

In this Episode, we will chat about:

  • What partnerships and peer conferences are
  • The impact partnerships and peer conferences will have on your literacy classroom or homeschool
  • The main differences between partnerships and peer conferences
  • Which one you should use first if you are newer to conferring with students and student-led activities 


Are you ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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Stop by the two blogs! I've got one for literacy teachers and black history.

Literacy Teachers –> Check out this blog post: Peer Learning in the Classroom: What Should It Look LikeFour Steps to Scheduling Small Group InstructionThree Approaches to Classroom Management for Reading and Writing Partnerships and Clubs 

And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!