Microschool & Homeschooling Business Startup Plan Part 1: Vision Plan


Welcome to Part 1 of our Microschool & Homeschooling Business STARTUP PLAN Series

Do you know the #1 question I get asked from educators who want to build their own microschool or homeschooling business? It’s… where do I start? So, over the next several weeks, we’ll be diving into the exact steps you need to take to start your very own dream teacher business. 

I’m so excited that you’re here, and I know you are, too, because you're ready to make a real impact. You have a big heart, big dreams and you’re ready to make your mark on the education world. But you’ve got questions. Feel stuck. Or just don’t know where to start.

I’ve got you! Today, we're kicking things off with your Vision Plan—because without a vision, you can’t build anything solid.


Are you ready? Let's get started.

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And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!