microschool dream call

Share Your Dreams, Bring Your Ideas, and Let's Explore Every Possibility!

Teachers and Parents are dreaming big, re-imagining school and 

transforming education into something that children will love and so deserve.


Hey Fabulous Educator!

So, you want to start your a microschool or homeschooling business, but don't know where to start. 

Let's go from scribbling ideas on napkins or your handy dandy notebook like I did, and start making a plan to turn your teacher business dreams into reality.  

Let's chat all about it in your FREE Dream Call.

Pop in for a FREE Cozy Chat to Explore Your
Microschool & Homeschooling Hopes and Dreams!

I can't wait to meet you virtually where you'll:

Check out what these educators
loved about their Dream Call:

Just in case we haven't met yet, my name is Desirée McGee-Greene.

I'm a microschool builder, homeschool Mama, instructional coach, teaching resource creator, and host of the All Things Are Possible Teacher Podcast.

I empower educators to go from tired, stressed and frustrated with the education system to starting their own dream microschool or homeschooling business that changes lives.

Your Dream Matters.
This is your moment to make your mark!

🗓️ Book Your Free Dream Call Now and let’s turn that dreamy thought bubble into a real, life-changing reality!