encouraging learner driven community

Cultivating Kindness: How to Building an Encouraging Learner Driven Community


Let's transform your literacy classroom or homeschool into an encouraging learner driven community.

Where your readers and writers encourage and uplift one another, and not just during your literacy block. But all throughout the day. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to hear learners complimenting each other on their reading, writing, math, in the hallways, at recess, at specials, at lunch, or waiting for the bus. What if using encouraging words or complimenting their peers was just a way of life in your literacy classroom or homeschool. 

Well…it certainly can be but first it has to be an expectation or community agreement. You’ve got to get that buy in and explain the WHY and the positive impact it’s going to have on each individual student and also the entire class. 

Once it’s on the list of community agreements, now you’re ready to start teaching, modeling, and practicing what it really means to be an All-Star Encourager in your classroom or homeschool.  And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in today’s show. 

I have FOUR key steps to help you incorporate more opportunities for your learners to compliment and encourage each other during reading and writing time and of course… all day long. 

In this Episode, we will chat about:

  • How you can get student buy in to encourage their peers
  • 3 different examples of stories you could share with their learners to emphasize how simple words of encouragement can change perspectives and uplift spirits, fostering a positive classroom environment. 

  • How you can incorporate encouragement and compliments beyond your literacy block with examples.
  • Ways you can celebrate when learners encourage and uplift each other.


Are you ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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Stop by the two blogs! I've got one for literacy teachers and black history.

Literacy Teachers –> Check out this blog post: Peer Learning in the Classroom: What Should It Look Like. 

And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!