
Doors to the Conferring All-Star Teacher™
Course will open again next Summer 2024.

But sometimes we left literacy teacher Early Birds in well… early. 

So hop and the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open up again.

Desiree, I really want to fit in more conferences or small groups to REACH all my readers and writers every week.

I hear you loud and clear! I encourage you to believe it’s possible to reach all of your learners and dream BIG, because you can make it all happen. Wait a minute, do I hear a “BUT” coming on? But Desiree…

There isn’t enough time in my schedule,

It’s a struggle to keep my students engaged,

I’m constantly getting interrupted with questions,

Many of my students are at different levels and it’s hard to differentiate my teaching to meet all their needs,

Trying to get into a routine of doing conferences is not always easy.

Community You Crave

Teacher Life can be lonely sometimes. Especially if you’re a first year teacher and the rest of your team has more experience. Or, maybe you’re on a team that doesn’t see eye to eye. If you’ve been craving some more time to collaborate and interact with other educators who are using conferences and small groups, then you’re in the right place. The good news is… you don’t have to figure out this conferring thing all on your own.  

I’m excited to create an exclusive community where our most dedicated and driven teachers can connect, encourage and challenge one another. Our best teacher ideas can come from friends and connections. Think of our Conferring All-Star Community has a homebase where literacy teachers can help, encourage and empower one another in their conferring journey.

Bite Size, Impactful Teaching from Desiree

Yes, courses teach the content. But that’s not all you get here. It’s way more than slides and PDF’s. We are TOGETHER for 6 weeks. You, me and the community learning together …that’s what this Course is all about.

The lessons are bite size and broken down step-by-step. I want this to be a fun, engaging experience for you; cut out the overwhelm, and help you start consistently implementing conferences and small groups daily as quickly as possible.

I’ll be with you every step of the way through Live Coaching,    Q & A’s, and creating teacher tools that will help you manage the classroom and build engagement + independence. Think of me as your virtual literacy teammate who wants to see you grow as a literacy teacher or coach every week.

Live Group Connection and Coaching with Desiree

The Live Group Coaching Calls with ME is what I love the most about the Course. It’s where you get to connect, interact and collaborate with other educators who are learning the same content, at the same time as you.  

I love providing an intentional place for you to connect with our most dedicated and motivated literacy teachers! I will also answer your personal questions face to face or help you find solutions to challenges you share in our community. 

So, whether you’re trying to find more time in your conferring schedule, implementing a new method of teaching, want to know how to give timely feedback, trying to build engagement + independence, or want some classroom management strategies… I’m here for it all!

Your conferring journey is YOUR journey. This is not a one-and-done kind of thing. Starting, launching, and implementing conferences and small groups is a journey. Some may be at different places on that journey — from those who are just started out to those who have been conferring for many years.

The most successful literacy teachers who implement conferences and small groups daily all have a few things in common, a firm foundation, a community that supports them, and a step-by-step proven plan to follow. 

And that’s exactly what is waiting for you inside of the Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Program.

5 Self-Paced Conferring Methods Modules

Note-Taking Forms

Conferring Lesson Plan Templates

Visual Reminders Bundle

Supportive Facebook Community


Here's a peek at the course...


We will be talking about all the things that will help you give the most powerful praise focused on reinforcing strategies your students are already using in conferences or small groups. You know, the kinda of compliment that leaves your classroom full of smiles.

But did you know that there are different types of praise? The more we say “I like the way you…” or “Good reading”, the more your students will come to rely on your evaluations, your decisions about what’s good and bad, rather than learning to form their own judgements. 

So, instead of telling your students “Good job”, your positive feedback should be focused on effort, rather than ability. And this module will show you exactly how do this.


As your students work on their goals, they’ll need guided practice with strategies. A Coaching Conference is a super quick method of teaching that offers new strategies to your students individually, help them practice strategies they’ve already learned, and monitor progress toward their goals.

When you are meeting with a student, you can catch them the moment they stumble, help them change course if they are going astray, and point out what they’re doing that’s working. Most of the time spent in a Coaching Conference…is coaching! So if you’re ready to become your students’ best coach, then this module is for you.



Once you get the hang of providing meaningful, strategy focused, in-the-moment feedback in one-on-one Coaching Conferences, you can group multiple students who are working on the same goal and who would benefit from the same strategy.

This helps you work efficiently and can double the amount of students you meet with each week.

But even when they are in a group, you can still coach them individually. And this module will show you how to do this. 


Offering your students feedback and support happens in all conferences and small groups. Since you are guiding and supporting your students as they practice strategies, feedback is crucial to their success.

You can offer feedback in a variety of ways. Each has a slightly different purpose and offers slightly different levels of support. Understanding these differences allows you to be flexible and responsive.

There is a very strategic way to give feedback during the coaching phase of a conference. You don’t want your students to leave the conference confused.

So in this module, you will learn how to keep your feedback strategy focused and offer the right level of prompting and support in every conference or small group.


After you been meeting with your students in conferences and small groups; you’ll want to follow up and check in with them to see how they are progressing towards their goals?

You’ll want to keep your students accountable for past teaching and continue building engagement and independence.

You’ll want to know when it’s time to move on to a new goal or skill; or when you should stay put for a little longer because they need extra practice.

So inside of this module, you will learn how to effectively utilize Follow Up Conferences and Skill Progressions will help you make this kinds of decisions.

Teacher Tools

Each time you meet with students in conferences or small groups, you will need to record the strategy practiced and ideas for follow up. Therefore, having a good note-taking system is key to conferring success.

Also, having portable note-taking forms that can travel with your students is especially helpful in co-taught classrooms or for students who see additional teachers or intervention or extra support.

When you join the Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Course, all of my Conference Note-Taking Forms, Lesson Plan Templates, and Visual Reminders Bundle are yours. 

Plus, if I add any more note-taking forms or visual reminders; you get them for FREE.

Here's a quick tour inside of the Course Hub Dashboard

BONUS CLASS: Build That Engagement
(15 Video Trainings)

You can have a weekly conferring schedule all mapped out with who you are going to meet with, the conferring methods you are going to use, and the strategies you are going to teach.

But if your students are not highly engaged and independent, or if they are asking you tons of questions, or there is so many interruptions and distractions going on; then you’re not going to be able to meet with as many students as you wanted to.

In this module, you will learn how to identify when engagement drops and have specific engagement strategies to help maintain high levels of engagement and independence all school year long. 

BONUS: Engagement + Independence Resources

You will have access to 7 resource bundles to help you build and maintain high levels of engagement and independence. So you can meet with more students in conferences and small groups without all the interruptions and off task behavior that often comes when students are not engaged.

Each bundle includes:

  • Lesson plan with an engagement strategy
  • Fun, hands-on activity
  • Interactive anchor chart
  • Strategy card or visual reminder to leave with the student at the end of a conference or small group

Do I See Your Hand Raised Back There?

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers!


You will receive access the course dashboard as soon as you purchase the Course. All the content inside of the Course is housed in our Searchie learning portal. Right after you make your payment, you will receive an email with your login details.

When you log in, you will be able to get started by:

  1. Setting up your profile
  2. Complete the Welcome Onboarding Series
  3. Watch the Foundations Module
  4. Request to Join the Exclusive Facebook Community
  5. Fill out a New Course Educator Survey

The Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Course not only includes the modules, but also 6-weeks of Live Coaching with Desiree. The modules will be released on the following schedule:

Week 1: Welcome Onboarding Series, Foundations Module, Module 1 (Compliment Conferences)

Week 2: Module Two (Coaching Conferences)

Week 3: Module Three (Strategy Groups)

Week 4: Implementation Week

Week 5: Module Four (Teacher Feedback)

Week 6: Module Five (Follow Up Conferences)

The Build That Engagement Class Bonus will be released the week after the 7-day grace period ends.

The Engagement Toolbox Resources Bonus will be released the week after the 7-day grace period ends.

The Reading & Writing Conferences and Small Groups Coaching Week Replays + Teaching Bonuses will be released after the 7-day grace period ends.

You will have LIFETIME access to this version of the Course. This means that you can watch and re-watch all the modules and replays of the Conferring All-Star Growth Pod connection calls whenever you want.

Yes, we do! Please email me at desireegreene@tasktosuccess.com and I will send you a purchase order form. Then, you can follow these steps:

  1. Complete a Purchase Order Request Form online
  2. We will process the purchase order request and send your school an invoice.
  3. Once we send the invoice; we will give you access to the program (even if we haven’t received payment yet.)
  4. Your school will submit payment via credit card or mail a check.
  5. We will send you an email confirmation that your program has been paid for.

Yes! Upon full completion of the Conferring All-Star Teacher™ Course, you’ll receive a certificate indicating the total contact hours for the course. Acceptance of credits will be at the discretion of your school district.

Oh man as much as I want to say “yes” the answer is, “Sorry, no.” 

The price covers the cost for one teacher to use the resources for their own classroom & students. You can not share these resources with other teachers (digitally or in printed form) at all. 

Of course, we would love to see you stay with us. But if for any reason you feel that the Course is no longer a good fit for you; we do offer a 7-day money back guarantee.

Please email my wonderful mother and she will assist you in issuing a refund. For more information, please refer to our return policy here.

Our dedicated Conferring All-Star Teacher Team would love to chat with you, and make sure this is the right fit! Email us at desireegreene@tasktosuccess.com with any questions and we’ll get back to you within 24-48 business hours!