Four Closing Circle Activities for Your
Literacy Classroom or Homeschool


Closing Circle Activities are an engaging way to peacefully wrap up the day and send learners off feeling a sense of accomplishment and belonging.

Let's talk about another amazing student-led activity you can incorporate into your literacy classroom or homeschool that doesn’t take a whole lot of time in your schedule. It is CLOSING CIRCLE. In our last episode, we chatted about how Morning Meeting can provide a safe peer learning environment that provides a sense of trust, encourages respectful learning, helps regulate emotions, and builds a strong sense of community. 

Well, just like Morning Meeting, Closing Circle is another quick activity you can implement that will bring the school day to a peaceful end, enhance learning and reaffirms classroom community. All you need is 5- or 10-minutes before you say good-bye and you’ll feel calmer or more energized and your students or children will feel the same.

Why Should You Do Closing Circle Activities?

In this Episode, we will chat about:

  • What Closing Circles are
  • The benefits of Closing Circle and the BIG impact it can have on your students or children
  • The 3 key activities to a Closing Circle
  • A secret activity that I'm added to my own Closing Circle for our Micro school that we are launching in the Fall 2023 

Are you ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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Stop by the two blogs! I've got one for literacy teachers and black history.

And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!