Biggest Mistakes When Creating a Website For Your Microschool or Homeschooling Business


Today, I want to talk about something that trips up so many educators when they’re starting their microschool or homeschooling business: making a website. Here’s the deal—teachers are incredible at creating lesson plans, managing classrooms, and inspiring young minds, but when it comes to building a website? Yikes, that can feel super overwhelming.


One of the biggest challenges I hear from teachers is that they don’t even know where to start. Do you need a fancy web designer? What platform should you use? And how do you make it look professional without pulling your hair out?


The second challenge? Knowing what to put on the website. If any of that sounds like you, don’t worry—you’re not alone!


Today’s episode let's talk about the biggest mistakes teachers make when creating a website for their microschool or homeschooling business, why a website is non-negotiable in today’s world, and how you can make yours stand out with a high-converting landing page.


Are you ready? Let's get started.

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And remember...
All Things Are Possible For YOU and Your Learners!